Friday, July 5, 2013

An Open Letter to Those in the U. S. Military and Those in Law Enforcement

    There may be dark and trying days ahead for our country. The actions of this president have been hostile to both our Constitution and freedom in general. The country, as a whole, is emotionally charged and bent on self preservation rather than the good of the nation. The President and the Democratic Party in general seem bent on forcing their agenda on a populace that is more and more resistant to that agenda. It could be very likely that, in an effort to seize control of the nation, President Obama or some other forces acting on his behalf may stage a “crises” that “forces” him to take dictatorial control of the nation. There may be a “frame-up” of conservatives in which some “Bible-toting, Constitution quoting” mock conservative commits some heinous crime designed to turn the nation’s anger away from the administration and towards anyone who would dare disagree with the president. There is even a chance that the nation may slip into a civil war or anarchy. If this happens the only force able to combat such a coup would be the U. S. Military.

To Our Military
    Please remember at all times that you swore an oath to defend the United States Constitution, NOT the government, be that the President, Congress or Supreme Court. Your allegiance should always be to use any power within your ability to defend and preserve our Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic. If the president attempts to establish dictatorial control over the country, not granted him by the Constitution, then he is no longer president and instead, a rebel, a threat to your country. You owe him no loyalty, obedience or defense. He is to be arrested along with all those who assist his attempted revolution and tried in a criminal court.

    If the President calls in troops from a foreign country to subdue the population, all such troops are to be viewed as foreign invaders and dealt with accordingly. No nation should have troops in this country. No president should request or allow such a thing. Any president that allows or initiates such an act is attempting to become a dictator.

    The United States military is like no other in the world. As shown in all wars in which they have fought, they can literally obliterate an enemy and yet, within minutes of the battle being over be handing out candy to children. It is this benign might that will be needed if trying days come upon us. Ruthless against the invader yet benevolent to the populace. Use your might to defend civilians, not to oppress them. If ordered to attack or subdue American citizens refuse to obey the order!

    If chaos sweeps our nation then do not use your might to establish private armies that seek to enslave the citizens. Use your might for right.

To Those in Law Enforcement
    The police forces of Third World nations are notoriously corrupt. In many cases they are nothing more than thugs, drug dealers and enforcers for criminal elements. Following the events mentioned above the United States will become a violent, dangerous and scary Third World nation. Rule of law will breakdown and people will be killing one another for food, fear or revenge. Just as you are the civilizing force in our society today, you will be desperately needed in the days following any breakdown of society to maintain order.

    Because you have trained in the use of force and know how to get people to obey you there may be a great temptation to abuse what you have been taught and try to oppress the civilian population. In light of the lack of respect and appreciation you may feel you have endured by some elements of the public, please do not allow yourself to fall into corruption with the rest of our society. There will be an ample number of weaker civilians that will desperately need your help and protection. Your nation will need you as never before. Abandon your morals and it will be bloody chaos.

    Don’t submit to the desire to use your power to bully, cajole or get even with the weaker folks in our society. You will be physically stronger than most but you will need to be morally stronger as well. You will have weapons others do not have, don’t use them in a shameful manner.

For Both Groups
    Regardless of what you have been told, the greatness of the United States is not due to the “Sacred Cow” of “Free Enterprise.” Our forefathers did not come here to start Pizza Hut! They came for the right to freely worship the God of the BIBLE. (Not the Koran.) Man is basically selfish. Only the Bible admonishes man to think of others ahead of himself. Only the Bible gives him the inner strength to resist the desire to be vengeful, vindictive and oppressive. Because of 150 years of Bible preaching (1620-1776) our people grew up moral. That morality gave them the carefree spirit that saw our forefathers advance technology by thousands of years, from the sailing ship to walking on the moon in 200 years. Look at nations today that were never run by the Bible. They are Third World nations locked in the past we left behind. What little technology they have was given by that Christian nation, the United States of America.

    Our society has been duped. It was told this would be a better nation if there was no prayer in our schools. Are we? We would be more “progressive” if we allowed our children to have no morals. Are we?  We would be more civilized if we didn’t spank our children. Are we? We would be happy if we got everything we ever wanted. Has it worked? The answer is “No” in every case.

    The only real hope America has for survival is a return to hard biblical preaching. Not the lame, “Let’s have a group hug” of liberalism, but the “Hellfire and brimstone” that New York, Hollywood, Congress, the Supreme Court, the President...and you are afraid of. If you choose “greed and the gun” over the “Bible and benevolence” we are truly doomed.

    Review some of your recent actions and see how self-motivated they were. The best thing you can do is to turn from greed to God. That thing in your past that you are ashamed of has already been paid for by the punishment Jesus Christ endured. Yet, because He was God and not man He rose from the dead. Think about it. What good is a religion that couldn’t get its Founder out of the grave? Now, go check where the founders of every religion in the world are right now. If Jesus Christ has the power to get Himself out of the grave He has the power to forgive your sins, come into your heart and save you and, if you should die, raise you from the grave when He returns. When He returns He will reward those who have accepted Him as their personal Saviour and chosen to serve Him.

    Over the past 50 years our public schools and institutions of higher education have turned this nation to heathenism. We will not see how thorough and devastating this conversion has been until the collapse comes. Our Nation’s hope will be the morality of our military and law enforcement officers. But the hope of every individual will be in putting their eternal soul in the hands of the Lord Jesus it always has been.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Adopt a Missionary
    There are few groups who endure more injustices than our military. They dutifully go out and put their life on the line only to be shot in the back by treacherous folks back home. The News Media attacks them for not being politically correct, Congress cuts their budget even while expenses are rising and the folks back home, with incomplete knowledge of the situations, complain, “Well I wouldn’t have made that mistake.” This injustice isn’t what I find incredible. What I find incredible is that there are still brave, young people who are willing to fill the ranks of our military services knowing full well that these things are going to happen to them.

    These very same type of injustices are also heaped onto the front line soldiers within the ranks of Christianity, our missionaries. Unlike those who voluntarily join our military, I do understand why these folks join the ranks - they are ordered to do so by God. But that doesn’t lessen the abuse that is heaped on them by their own people. They are called “moochinaries” and crooks by some. Meanwhile, some pastors use their visit to present their field as an opportunity to abuse them and put them through the wringer. Then, once they get on the field, they are faced with all the problems inherent with starting a church with the added complications of doing it in a foreign language and in a foreign culture which many times is hostile to them. Once on the field they are soon subjected to “Conviction of the Month Club” letters from some supporters who boldly declare they will lose their support unless they sign on to believing whatever this month’s “great doctrinal truth” is.

    Even church members have a belittling opinion about missionaries. While they look at pastors and evangelists with an almost “celebrity” status, they look at missionaries as though they were God’s “lesser” children. Everyone wants to know why they don’t live in a dung hut just like the natives do. And these are the soldiers who have the hardest and most dangerous assignments in Christianity!

    On top of that they are told exactly how to do their job by someone who has never done it! Our theory on missions is great. But it is just a theory. You know, “Go to the field, start a church, train a national, turn the church over to that national and then go out and repeat the process over and over.” The only problem with this process is that 8 out of 10 times it doesn’t work! From Ireland to the Arctic I’ve seen it fail time and time again. (Don’t you even say it’s because the missionary didn’t do it right!)

Example: Missionary starts church, trains national and dutifully turns it over to the national. The national pastor immediately changes the church into a non-denominational church. Then, because he is not as motivated as an American, he does nothing to either build the work or feed the people and the church begins to die. Meanwhile, the missionary’s new work isn’t getting off the ground like the first one did and everyone back home is “realizing” this missionary must be a dud who’s using church support to live like a king.
Result: Today, both churches are closed and the broken missionary is back in the USA.

Example: Missionary starts church, etc. The national pastor gets into false doctrine and steers the church in the wrong direction.
Result: National pastor is now in the world. The church is gone. The missionary’s heart is broken.

Example: Missionary starts church, etc., turns it over to an American pastor.
Result: I know of two cases of this. In one the church ended up closed. In the other the pastor went contemporary and corrupted the people. Now the new pastor is having a fit trying to get these “goats” to live like “sheep” again.

    To you and I these are “sad situations” which we “really feel bad about.” But how would you feel if you had sunk five or ten years of your life into one of these churches? All the while fending off “Conviction of the Month Club” letters and always short of the needed financial support due to churches dropping you or inflation, while being told by some “expert” who isn’t even on the field how you should do your job?

    To give you a little example of the financial hardships missionaries work under here are some prices we discovered in our recent trip to the Arctic, in the United States of America.
    A head of lettuce - $7.00    A dozen Eggs  -$3.29 - $3.89        A gallon of Milk  -$8.50
    A cake mix  -$3.50        A pound of Butter  -$6.00        One apple - $1.50
    One 15" car tire - $250.00    Fuel oil - $3.90 a gal (Before Katrina) Gasoline - $7.50 per gal.

    Rather than stabbing our best people in the back or waxing righteous at their expense let me make a suggestion. Why don’t you “Adopt a Missionary”? Is there a missionary you know of (No, not “Evangelist Sam Gipp.”) that you like? Or maybe just pick one off your church mission board. Sure, you could send them cards at their birthdays/ anniversaries. But there’s more you can do. Ladies, go out and buy things like cake mixes, pudding; games and little things that they could never afford and send it to them every few months. Guys, buy the missionary a subscription to a magazine of his interest; hunting, cars, golf etc. Why can’t we try to think of things that will lift their spirits and do them? Wouldn’t it be nice to get to Heaven and hear that your actions kept a missionary on the field instead of having hurt them?

    When a missionary couple comes home on furlough give them some money so they can go off by themselves and relax for a week or two. (No, they don’t need a week in your basement!)Why do we so cruelly insist that life has to be unbearable and then set about to make it that way? Why don’t we strengthen their hands?

    Think of how you would feel if you lived where they spoke a weird language, ate horrible stuff and you had to be afraid everyday that your daughters might be kidnapped and raped. What kind of letter would you want to get from home? What would you like someone to do for you?

    In our military one-tenth of the active duty personnel are combat troops. That means 90% exist simply to support that 10%. If you are not in a “combat” role for the Lord then you are the “support” role. If you cannot think of how you are PERSONALLY doing something to support our spiritual troops, then you are failing the Lord and your fellow soldiers. I don’t just mean supporting missions through giving. I mean PERSONALLY buying, sending, writing, providing and encouraging our missionaries. They have the hardest jobs in Christianity. I don’t mind telling you that, not only do I not want their job but I couldn’t do it! So, I’m going to do what I can to help them stay on the field lest God call me to go and replace them! Kathy & I live by faith. We have no guaranteed weekly income. We are members of an independent, Bible believing Baptist Church where we send our tithe and through which we support the missionaries our church has taken on. But, we personally support 26 missionaries on a monthly basis. Why? Because we believe what I’m telling you right now!

    You don’t have to give up your life like they did. You don’t have to give up your future, like they did. Just give up your next “toy.” Give up another shotgun or another fishing rod or another set of skies. Maybe you won’t remodel the bathroom again, but you’ll help one of our first line soldiers who’s in the fight. You decide.